Episode 6

May 17, 2023


Broken Triangles

Broken Triangles
Port Pals Podcast
Broken Triangles

May 17 2023 | 01:01:36


Show Notes

We bring the fire this week as we discuss how the Department Heads are all at sea in BDSY. Its poppin down in the Vinyard as Summer House MV takes things up a notch this week and Summer House is reaching a dramatic conclusion. Tune in to hear our very unfiltered takes on all the weeks action.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:13 Coming to live from the most Landlock County in Ireland. It's the Pork Piles podcast. It's your hosts, Peter, Donna Marie. I'm Nave. Let's go fishing for gossip. Speaker 2 00:00:35 Good afternoon and welcome to Port Piles podcast, episode six. How's everyone doing today? Speaker 3 00:00:43 Yeah, doing, doing really well. The sun is out, sun's out, going's out. And uh, yeah, really, really excited for this week's podcast. Lot of drama to talk about this week. Speaker 4 00:00:56 Yeah, I'm algo same as you son is O My ones are not out. I haven't got any for me drying out <laugh>. I'm a new lion <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:01:09 Oh, is it? Is it Halloween darling? Speaker 4 00:01:11 What Speaker 3 00:01:12 Is it? Halloween? Speaker 4 00:01:14 No, I Speaker 3 00:01:15 You've got this kind of stuck. Yeah. Frightened expression. Look on your face. Speaker 4 00:01:20 Fuck off. I got Botox today. It takes a few days to settle in and then I look surprised. <laugh> Speaker 3 00:01:28 For the listener. We don't actually bully Don Marie all the time, although it does seem like that, that we do intro bits. We always, she just provides us with the most, uh, entertainments Speaker 4 00:01:40 You do. He's bullying me all the time. Sick of a, Speaker 3 00:01:44 Okay. I think actually that is a very nice segue into this week's episode because I think Daily Daisy was feeling a little bit bullied by the end of this week's episode. What did we think? Speaker 4 00:01:58 Oh, my heart broke for her. It really did. It just broke for her. I hated seeing her like that. Cause I don't think we've ever seen her like that before. Speaker 3 00:02:07 No, this is the, this is the first time I think we, we mentioned this at the very start of the season that obviously this, this was coming, that we were gonna see the cracks and we have never seen them before. Daisy losing her. Cool. To that extent. Speaker 2 00:02:22 Yeah. Like Chicago, we just wanted to go through the tele and give her a hug. And then when it was Gary that went to console her, I was just like, no, you are just trying to make yourself feel better cuz you know you're part of the reason why she's this upset. Speaker 4 00:02:37 Yes. Speaker 3 00:02:38 Massively passively. So he was an, I Speaker 4 00:02:41 Can Speaker 3 00:02:41 Honestly dickhead, Speaker 4 00:02:43 I can honestly say like he's now me. I'm a crier. Doesn't like I cry s I cry E standards. I cried at all, but I've never cried watching reality TV until yesterday. I was sat here on the couch with a cup of tea and I had tears streaming down my cheeks. Watching her on the tele. It got to me that much. I did not like seeing her like that. And I agree with you. It was like it's, Gary just keeps pushing her buttons. He just keeps pushing and pushing and pushing her and he's not stupid. He knows the girl well enough to know that what he has to do to push our buttons, what he has to do and then like that he goes and gives it a hog. Try to make himself feel better. Speaker 3 00:03:26 Yeah. And I think that dynamic worked perfectly well in previous seasons where Gary sort of took the piss when things were, even when things weren't going great, but it wasn't like that all the time. So Daisy was in control for most of it and she just had a few moments so it wasn't getting to her the way it is now. This year she's got two relatively inexperienced Jews, she needs more and it's not happening. And then we have Lucy sitting on a beach for two hours doing what she thought was a downward dog and fucking Alex corrected her. It was a child's spouse doing yoga <laugh> who wouldn't be pissed off with that situation. Speaker 2 00:04:12 And you can even see it in Gary this season. He's taken a step back. So like he has gotten a bit lazy and then there were certain parts where you'd see like even the tree stews running around and he is just flad out on the couch, just tapping out on his phone. Not even like offering to help or even when it came to doing the dishes, they had to tell him to do the dishes instead of just standing around for the chaps. Speaker 4 00:04:39 Yeah. It's like, uh, look, I'm sure it all boils down to the fact that he has a bit of a personal issue with Daisy or Daisy has a personal issue with him and he is carrying into their walk environment now. You know, so maybe we'll see it, maybe we won't, but at the end of the day, it's like most people some days you could go in there on another day and be well able for it, but she's having a bad time. She's having a difficult time and it's amplifi amplified and it's making it worse. And you know, hopefully next week she'll bounce back. Speaker 3 00:05:17 Yeah. What kind of, what can fucking rub me the wrong way about this episode was at the very start of the season we had micromanager at Glen into everyone's shit causing issues. Now when he actually should be getting in the middle of it and sort of saying thing instead of sitting gossiping with Gary in the bridge set, pulling Daisy to one side saying, look, I can see that things aren't going right. What can I do to help you? What, what can I do to support you so we can get all of this right? But instead he is just sitting there, you know, throwing knocks from the peanut gallery and fucking laughing with Gary. That's not very helpful Glen. Like seriously. Speaker 4 00:06:01 I know, but did you see the blood dry out his face when when Daisy got up past the couch crying like you could see it? He like, whoop, I didn't say Pat around the shoulder in the <laugh>. I didn't want to make you feel bad. Speaker 3 00:06:13 Yeah. How uncomfortable was that Pat to shoulder? It was like it was one of those real, can I touch her? Can I not? Is this inappropriate? We need Speaker 4 00:06:22 To ask permission to just tap around the shoulder like <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:06:25 Yeah. What, what's, what's the protocol here? But look, let's face it, he knows they're not quite mid-season, they're only a couple of a few charters in, but it would still be extremely difficult to get us pause on a chief stew at this late stage. And there is nobody capable of taking over that role on the boat right now. Speaker 4 00:06:47 No. And I look, I think he knows it. He's had three seasons with Daisy and Gary and Colin and he feels very, very comfortable with them. They've never, like he's had issues with Dec hands, had issues with interior but never with his heads at apartment. You know, he's always had it very easy and very lucky to have the tree of them. So how he deals with this now, you know, would be very interesting to see because I would fucking hate to see him become overall, you know, siding with Gary. Like you said last week. They have this thing previous other franchises and all where it's always the deck crew against you Terry. I don't want that for Below Deck. I like the fact that Gary, Colin, Daisy and Glen were a unit and have been a unit and I want them to stay that way. So I think Glen will play a very big part in how it is going forward between the four of them. So long as he stands up, sees it and does something about it. Speaker 2 00:07:56 But sometimes it's like he has blinkers on with Gary and he doesn't see that he's not that he's doing anything wrong but like that he's being a fucking lazy Speaker 4 00:08:06 Like yeah at Speaker 3 00:08:07 One point when you see Gary sitting there talking to Glen and he's gone, oh well I've had a great time with these guests and watched her to be stressed about and Glen is just sitting there nodding and laughing. Speaker 4 00:08:22 He totally said that to get a gig Daisy, he totally said that. Like just to piss Daisy off, Speaker 3 00:08:30 What's to be stressed about? Well I tell you what's to be stressed about, Gary, you have been a fucking asshole. Speaker 4 00:08:37 It's all aimed. I piss and Daisy off and Bo he really didn't like it when Colin pulled them off on going for his little five break after his two hour dinner. Speaker 3 00:08:49 But he was perfectly happy when Colin was, Speaker 4 00:08:53 Yeah Speaker 3 00:08:53 Daisy sure that Daisy was in the wrong with what she did, you know, and he wa to be fair to Colin, he was slap bang in the middle. He was very, very objective. Now it's a different totally different side to Colin that we've seen previously and he's getting a bit big for his boots and he get back into that fucking engine room. But uh, <laugh> when he was talking about Daisy, Gary was like, yeah bro. Yeah. Yeah. And as soon as Colin said, well that was a bit of a dick move, it was like cup onto yourself, grow a set of balls and walked off. Yeah. Like yeah you're the first officer Gary like real fucking mature. Speaker 2 00:09:29 And I love that Colin challenged him because like that a couple of episodes ago when Gary was giving out on Chase and in the like confessional Colin was like, oh I think he's grand. Like I don't see anything. But he never actually said that to co to Gary. He just kind of went, oh yeah, whatever you think. But now he's actually voicing his opinions. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:09:51 I I think Colin kind of sees through the bullshit on both sides and kinda sees a bit more of the middle ground and says, look, you're all acting like fucking idiots. And it, to be fair, he even said it himself, I had the most stressful time on this, on this charter seasons up opera had to get the boat moving our Nu has had a job. Speaker 4 00:10:11 Yeah. I thought it was great the way when he, when Gary sat down to bitch about Daisy Chase was such a gentleman and kind of was like, well I kind of, you know, it's hard and I can see how she feels and I, and I was like fair play to him cuz he didn't have to do that. He could have been just, I'm just gonna let him bitch along here or I'll just nod and smile to benefit his own relationship with Gary. But he didn't do that. And I taught fair play to gentlemen. Speaker 3 00:10:41 Yeah there's a, there's a lot to be said for sticking by what you believe. And he felt that no, look we all need to support each other now. It's not the time to be cutting the backs off each other and Yeah. Yeah. He didn't row in behind the lads just because it was gonna give him an easier time about it was Speaker 4 00:10:58 Exactly to see. And I thought that was really nice to see. And then of course him and Alex sitting down having a beer, counting the lucky stars that they ain't head of department <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:11:11 I, I swear to God every single week, Alex, it's not e he doesn't, he's not even trying to be funny. Speaker 4 00:11:18 He's dry, isn't he? He's just doesn't, I don't even realize Speaker 3 00:11:21 Dry Speaker 4 00:11:22 How funny he is is little one liners and you're just, you can't help but laugh. He has grown on me. I, when I saw the trailer before any of this aired, I judged him. I probably owe him an apology. I did judge him and as the season's gone on, he has grown on me more and more and more. Speaker 2 00:11:43 Yeah. And then we still am still a Maryborough, but No, he definitely has. And now back onto Gary, he just gives me the ick like laing around the laundry room just hoping he could speak to Mads and then as you're watching it, like you're like this is your move every single season. And like she just wasn't having a bear of it, but it was just like I was watching it, I was like, like she got over, you're actually so desperate for somebody to love you that you're now hanging out in the laundry room where not even what I Speaker 4 00:12:17 Know to be Do you know what I noticed though? Mads is completely cringed out by him, but then from the first time she went out and now looking at next week's trailer, she gets a few drinks in her. It's a different story Speaker 3 00:12:30 If, if the trailers happened to go by, she was taking a length of wa in the, in the bridge <laugh>. That's certainly the way it was setting up. Speaker 4 00:12:40 Yeah Speaker 3 00:12:40 Because trust me, I, we've all pulled someone into that position before and it only only means one thing. Speaker 4 00:12:47 Oh my God. Yeah. So we'll see, like I, I agree with you giving me, he's, I dunno, Gary's torn me off this season. Speaker 2 00:12:58 You just like, Speaker 4 00:12:59 He's coming for idea. We don't like people coming for ay Speaker 3 00:13:04 Yeah. It's time now for Gary Gary's at that point is, is is his yachting career where he either needs to be a captain or just fuck off <laugh> because running around being the forced officer and squeezing on the fucking stews. Nah dude we said it last week. We're gonna say it again. You're fucking aged out. Your uncle creepy on the boat. It's time to end it. Speaker 4 00:13:31 Yeah but you know what though? I was sitting here thinking about this the other day like and you know all the other blow decks, they come and go and come and go and come and go. But like, I don't know if I could picture Saline yacht without Glen, Daisy, Gary and Colin like I would rather he stayed on screen and we just got to see him grow and mature and you know, stop just repeating his same childlike behavior. I would rather see that. I would rather like I, I'm like that with all reality CV shows. I would rather see the person grow and achieve things and better themselves on my screen then just get fucking rid of them. Like, you know, I don't like that Speaker 3 00:14:15 We, you do get invested in characters when they're on your screen year after year but characters come and go. Nobody's bigger than the show. Even the Mighty case wasn't bigger than original Below Deck. She left the show still ran. Speaker 4 00:14:35 I swear to God I want a winter house style show with cast from across the blow deck franchise past and present. Put them in a gaff for two weeks and let them drink themselves silly and see what happens. Oh that's my idea of heaven Speaker 2 00:14:53 Brilliant tv. If that happened it Speaker 4 00:14:56 Would be brilliant wouldn't it? Like you see on their social media and they're out and they're all together and they're all having so much fun and I'm like, I would sit and watch them get drunk for two weeks now. But to me imagine the drama, Speaker 2 00:15:06 It'd be a cross of like Flora ba ashore and Winter Speaker 4 00:15:11 <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:15:13 I can't even speculate as to what could happen given some of the personalities that have been in it, some of the crazies that we've had over the years. And I think that's what you'd have to go for. You need the crazies, you need the Rockies, you need the royals. These are the people that you need in there. But then as to cause the drama. Speaker 2 00:15:36 But then as well you do need like the likes of Courtney and Z uh, who just want to have a good time in Fraser and Hailey who are just also going to bring the party. Even though there is drama, they'll still just be like on our level of partying. Speaker 3 00:15:53 Absolutely you need to balance it out, but you need to balance it out with the right amount of crazy to like, let's face it, there has to be fireworks. If there's no fireworks it's boring. Like there's a reason we were all excited to record today's podcast is because everything we watched this week was an explosion. Everything we watched this week blew up. And that's what we want. That's what we watch it for. Everything else would be just like our own lives. If there was no drama it would be just like our day-to-day lives. And what would be the point of watching it? Speaker 4 00:16:32 Well that's true and I do love drama and I especially love messy drama but I don't like seeing certain people upset. I do not like seeing Daisy upset cause I really like her. I love her on the show and when she got upset I got upset. But yeah, you're right. I love a bit of drama. Speaker 3 00:16:50 So just to lighten it, lighten things up a little bit And somebody who also had a pretty bad week, although I just felt sorry for them and just wanted to give them a big hug and said, listen, next chart will probably be better for Lucy. She just had an absolute nightmare from the start. She was falling down, she was breaking Marsha, she was spilling stuff on the beach. She was melting dresses like, I mean it doesn't get any worse. Speaker 4 00:17:20 Did you notice when she said she melted the dress and she said My mom's gonna be so disappointed in me. And I was like, yeah. Do you remember a few weeks ago when you asked why she wasn't like into any of the blokes? And I was like, cuz she's Welsh and she knows I'm mad. Kick the head off her. If Speaker 3 00:17:37 Mommy's gonna be upset over I'm melting her dress. If she was melting a flute on tele, she wouldn't be fucking thrilled. <laugh>. Speaker 4 00:17:45 Oh my God. Oh my god. Speaker 2 00:17:48 Well even when they had to warn her not to touch the dry ice, that was like, Speaker 3 00:17:53 Yeah don't let Lucy near the dry ice. Cause they could just see it being a disaster. She's just so unfortunate. Just even the way she just stands there and it's like you almost have to wind her up to get her going sort of input information to get her movement. But I absolutely love her. But yeah, this just wasn't Lucy's week at all. Speaker 4 00:18:14 I love the relationship she has with uh, Alex. They seem to have a really good, you know, maybe brother, sister like Bond. They have a really good bond and friendship there and I like it. Like, Speaker 2 00:18:30 And it was nice when she stood up for Daisy when Gary was telling her, oh like she creates a toxic environment and she was just like Gary and you could see her in her face. Speaker 4 00:18:41 No. Speaker 2 00:18:42 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:18:42 Like Speaker 4 00:18:43 There was no need for him saying that shit. Speaker 3 00:18:46 Yeah, absolutely not the guests this week. Speaker 4 00:18:51 Oh I just tried to like them and I just, I don't, it's not that they were assholes, that they were rude or they just wearing my cup of tea. I tried to like them but I couldn't. They were douche bags. And as I begun move on to the next one, Speaker 2 00:19:05 Like one thing everyone learns no matter how much money you have is you do not distract the driver. I know like on a bus there's a line you don't cross like in the car. Yeah you can have your chats but you know not to be a fucking dickhead when somebody's reversing and like going up talking to Glen, like just shining on for the sake of shining on. Speaker 3 00:19:28 I actually think that chain cuts a certain amount of oxygen off to his brain. It's that fucking big. And it's such a gobhi that how could you not realize that that was the absolute worst time in the world. Speaker 4 00:19:43 Shut up. You can get your pictures by my docked. Speaker 2 00:19:46 And it actually reminded me of, I'm assuming like he split from the man, but it was like trying to show the kids, well dad's better cuz he can bring on all these boat trips. <laugh>. Speaker 4 00:19:56 Well Speaker 2 00:19:57 He wrote a book. He Speaker 3 00:19:58 Wrote a book. Speaker 2 00:19:59 Yeah. That's why he they were on the trip. He was saying Speaker 4 00:20:02 His book, Speaker 2 00:20:03 His book. Speaker 3 00:20:04 Oh well he doesn't Celebr podcast learning to write actually Speaker 4 00:20:09 Learning. There's a podcast that has a YouTube channel and he's an entrepreneur and like one of them like motivational fucking speaker type things. It's like oh God. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:20:20 So in other words, his name is on the book and some poor, some other poor actually did all the work and he just puts his, puts his name on it. Once he did on stage You Speaker 5 00:20:31 Motherfucker you Yeah baby. Fuck you. I can just see an now <laugh> all these slack John Speaker 3 00:20:41 Yokels handing over 10 grand a per. Speaker 5 00:20:45 This is gonna make Speaker 3 00:20:46 Me rich. Speaker 4 00:20:49 Oh Speaker 2 00:20:50 I'm actually dying to know how much that dress cost cuz days I go and reimburse you. And I was like now like just a $25 or is it like thousand dollars <laugh>? Speaker 4 00:21:02 I'm like, and why did they even want a fucking steamed? It was that flimsy bleeding material that doesn't even need to be ironed. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:21:08 Like I mean seriously. What the fuck You're on a boat. What? Who cares if it has a couple of creases in it? Just put the fucking thing on you. Nobody's gonna be looking at it anyway. Like your fellows running around. What habit brain scramble he's got. He doesn't care. He's got melted head. You, you've gotta melted threats Speaker 4 00:21:28 And the Speaker 3 00:21:29 Fucking creamer all melted bits cause the fucking a pain in the ass. Speaker 4 00:21:34 You glad you got all that off your chest there Paulo? Speaker 3 00:21:37 I feel a hundred percent liar. I've been building up to this. I've been building up to this all day. Go. I'm bringing the fire today and I'm only getting started. Cause we're only just talking about Below Deck. We've still got lots more to talk about. Speaker 4 00:21:50 Well I think that's it on Below Deck. Is it? Speaker 3 00:21:53 I think so. I think it's, I think it's time to move on to our uh, next segment. So that music means it's time for this week's Battle of the Leos. We had an off week last week due to technical difficulties, ie. The host was too lazy to make a fucking quiz. So, uh, are we ready to go this week ladies? Speaker 4 00:22:27 Yeah, let's do, we're ready to go. Speaker 3 00:22:29 Okay, so the competition stands at one apiece. Donna Marie won the last round. So she gets to pick the questions this week. A R b Donna Marie, Speaker 4 00:22:39 You go in for a change Speaker 3 00:22:41 And this week's subject is below Deck Mediterranean. Speaker 4 00:22:47 Okay, so Speaker 3 00:22:49 Question one. How many different boats have been used in seven seasons? Speaker 4 00:22:56 How many boats have been used in below? Speaker 3 00:22:59 Many different boats across seven seasons? Speaker 4 00:23:02 Eh? Okay, the last season we had that weird looking boat that I did not like before that we had that one. We had that one for about four seasons. I'm gonna say four. Speaker 3 00:23:14 No Don read the answer is six. Speaker 4 00:23:17 Jesus, Speaker 3 00:23:17 There was only one repeat bow. Speaker 4 00:23:20 Okay. Speaker 3 00:23:22 Which former Stu represented her country at the Miss Universe contest? Speaker 4 00:23:28 Oh, you have no clue. Speaker 3 00:23:31 Really? Because she fucking told Hannah. Who? Speaker 4 00:23:35 Hannah. Speaker 3 00:23:37 No, it was Lexi. Speaker 4 00:23:39 Oh yeah. Speaker 3 00:23:40 So Donna Marie zero from two. Question three, how many seasons was Hannah Chief Stew for? Speaker 4 00:23:50 Oh five Speaker 3 00:23:54 We're off the mark saving yourself. So question four, who replaced Hannah on season five as Chief Stu? Speaker 4 00:24:06 Oh no. Was it Kate? Flo? Wait, I'm trying to think. Was it her? Was it Kate? No. No. Speaker 3 00:24:20 Bugsy. Speaker 4 00:24:22 Oh yeah. I like boxy. Speaker 3 00:24:25 Okay, so your final question. There are four answers and each answer is worth one point. So name the four crew members from Mediterranean who have also appeared on other Below Deck franchise episodes. Speaker 4 00:24:47 Oh, Jesus Christ. Speaker 3 00:24:50 So who's done more than me? Who's done more than just Mediterranean? Speaker 4 00:24:54 Oh, Speaker 3 00:24:55 Looks like the guy. Speaker 4 00:24:56 Well, Sandy's done more than just med. Speaker 3 00:25:00 That's one. I threw that in there and thought that that was gonna throw you off. Funny that, that should have been the hardest one. You're off the mark. Speaker 4 00:25:11 Uh, Ben Speaker 3 00:25:13 Two. Speaker 4 00:25:16 Um, Eddie? No. No. Speaker 3 00:25:22 So that's one. So because you've answered and it's wrong, you only have one more guess. Speaker 4 00:25:28 Okay. Uh, maybe Bugsy was it? Speaker 3 00:25:37 No. Fuck. So the two of you are missing Donna Marie was Adam who was also on the fourth season of Salek as the chef. And Aisha who is the chief Stu, Speaker 4 00:25:56 Sorry Aisha. Speaker 3 00:25:58 So in that, so you got two there and one earlier on. So Donna Marie has a grand total of three. Speaker 4 00:26:10 I sucked this week. Speaker 3 00:26:13 So Mae three to be First question, how many different countries have been the setting for the seven seasons? Speaker 2 00:26:26 Was Italy, Croatia, Greece? I say four as well. Speaker 3 00:26:35 Except only you gave the exact same answer as or the actual answer to the both of 'em was the same. It was six. They did Croatia twice and that was all the rest of 'em. And I think there was, I can't remember which of them all wearable. Yeah, so six. So what season one and season two crew member is a former firefighter. Speaker 2 00:26:58 Bobby, Speaker 3 00:27:00 That's one. There Speaker 2 00:27:03 Was another firefighter. Yes. That's one point. Speaker 3 00:27:07 That's one point. Speaker 4 00:27:10 We have to Speaker 3 00:27:11 Apologize. Them do not seem to be awake. They really don't. The brains have been, the brains were left in the kitchen. And please don't cancel me for that last one. Speaker 4 00:27:23 Mabe is coming off a night shift in Herde fence and very first time <laugh>. Yes. And I'm at home tending to Covid kids. So you know, we get away with it. Speaker 3 00:27:37 Yeah, of course. I'm, you know, sitting around not doing anything. But anyway, question three. The very first guest in season one, episode one of blood Mediterranean had one very big non-negotiable, which caused a lot of stress for Hannah. What was it They Speaker 2 00:27:58 Wanted to watch, uh, a football match for a certain team that your mom followed and it'd be the only football match you ever missed. Speaker 3 00:28:06 Correct. That's two. Question four, what did Adam famously serve to a guest despite the fact that Speaker 2 00:28:16 Onions, Speaker 3 00:28:17 That's three. It's on L We have got May's four part question again. One point for each answer. So two crew members have held positions in different departments on the boat across the franchise. So we want their name for a point and the two departments that they worked in for a point. So that's four points total and you need at least one to win. Speaker 2 00:28:51 So you'd Courtney who was interior and deck. Speaker 3 00:28:55 Very good. That's two points. Speaker 2 00:28:58 Um, Speaker 3 00:28:59 We have to hurry you because you've already won this week's quiz. Speaker 2 00:29:02 I can't remember. Speaker 3 00:29:03 Okay. And the actual, the actual answer was Anastasia who worked as a chef and as a stew. So there we go. This week's winner is May 2, 2, 1. Speaker 4 00:29:23 Martha's Vineyard. Speaker 3 00:29:25 Okay. So let's talk about the rest of our shows from this week. Summer House and Martha's Vineyard. We have to start with Martha's Vineyard. I think Speaker 2 00:29:40 So I just wanna say I stayed up Sunday night to watch them all live tweet. So Jasmine like posted I think all week long that she was going to be live tweet in the episode, live tweet in the episode. After half an hour she dipped out. Did Speaker 4 00:29:58 You just say dip? Do that shit triggers me. You not watching Vanda, pupus <laugh>. Uh, does Jasmine not now we live in Ireland. And uh, by staying up to watch her live tweet, you had to like stay up till what, three, 4:00 AM Speaker 2 00:30:12 Yeah. And the episode still hadn't dropped on here. You Speaker 4 00:30:15 Not cool Jasmine? Nah. Cool. Be Speaker 3 00:30:18 Fucking cheeky. Jasmine. Be fucking cheeky. Bit like your whole attitude to be fair. <laugh>. So you're not in a real relationship if you're not married. Speaker 4 00:30:27 Uh, I, Speaker 3 00:30:28 Sorry, little miss fucking met in Covid. Speaker 4 00:30:31 Yeah, I do not agree with that shit. I mean, could anyone say that? I hope to God that you know, when the reunion comes, if they get a reunion or whatever, she like apologizes for that shit. Speaker 3 00:30:42 Like in fairness you had a house, three kids, two cars and two fucking dogs before you got married. What were you and Ken just fucking messing around? Speaker 4 00:30:53 The only reason I got married was because my kids got to a stage where they were like, why don't you have the same last name as us? And I was like, okay, I need to change that. Uh, other than that, I dunno if me and him ever would, because we didn't see the importance of that to us it was more important that we were a family unit. We had children, we had a house, we had our jobs, you know, we were a family. We were a real functioning family without two wedding bands on us. Sorry. And here we are now, six years married, 16 years together and yeah, when your man Silas was at the table and he was kind of going in on Jordan about, you know, the nights out and all that that they used to have, like when was he referring to? I mean if he met Jasmine during Covid, everybody was in a lockdown and then he, they were living together six months later. So again, they were probably still in a fucking lockdown at that stage. So is he referring to the social life she had before she even met him? Speaker 2 00:32:09 Well how could, how could he comment when he wasn't there? Speaker 3 00:32:13 He was probably fucking stock on her ass because he gave you referring vibes. Speaker 4 00:32:18 But is he referring to the social life she had with her friends before she was in a relationship with him? If so, none of this fucking business and if not, what sort of social life could she have had while she was with him? It was lockdown. Like, I mean we all sit there and say we've hardly been out since lockdown. Even though lockdowns been over for the guts of 18 months, it still changed the way we socialize. Speaker 3 00:32:46 I do have a little theory on the way soil has got is going on. Do you think there is possibly a little bit of resentment in his mind that his wife once worked in the Playboy Club and he'd like to remove all memories of that from around her, which would be Jordan Speaker 4 00:33:11 If he's trying to go down that road, he's not going to have a long happy marriage. You cannot erase your partner's past. You cannot erase their previous jobs, previous lifestyle, previous friendships. You can't do fucking any of that. You can't get with someone and then change them or try to change them. Speaker 2 00:33:31 And would you not think that like when he went to ask her to marry him, he just said, right, I'm gonna accept you for who you were, what you did. Like why is it now becoming a problem? I'm like, who cares what somebody did before you met them? But Speaker 3 00:33:44 We see this so often with couples and this is not even just on tv, this is just in real life. Couples get together and one of them has decided that they're pretty into the version of the person that's here now. But they would like to mold them a little more into what they actually want because they have a lot of what they're looking for, but they're just missing a few bits. You can't, Speaker 4 00:34:09 Yeah, well they are, all them relationships end but very fucking badly. You take the person as they are, you support that person as they are Like do couples move forward and grow together? Absolutely. Completely. And over time they change together. But you can't force somebody's change. You can't. Speaker 3 00:34:28 No, no. And either you, as you say, either you grow together or you eventually just grow apart because you're going in different directions or all the pulling from one side or the other is not gonna change the fact that you're just two different people who just shouldn't be in a relationship and without wanting to be too negative about it. I think the writing's on the wall for their relationship at a very early stage with the way Silas is carrying on. I can't see it ending any other way. Speaker 2 00:34:57 Sorry, I was just getting the tweets up from the other night. I thought I screenshot them but I didn't. So like not even episode was ear in about 15 minutes and Jasmine was already backpedaling on her comment. She's like, wait a minute, I definitely don't believe that any relationship is more important than another. Your girl was being shady. So now just cause people have watched it and said, who do you think Erin making that statement? Like Speaker 3 00:35:23 So she's saying she was being shady. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:35:26 Okay. Speaker 3 00:35:26 She wrote it back. Does she believe it though? That's the Speaker 2 00:35:30 Question. No, I think she only wrote it back because the public were like, who are you to say this? Yes. Like who do you think are Speaker 3 00:35:38 Exactly, you've been on our screens for two minutes, we're a fickle beast. They're watching public and we will fucking turn on your ass in a fucking heartbeat because you ain't being, you ain't got enough street cred with us to start throwing shade like they're our characters that could, you know, sort of take little turns and you know, they get away with a certain amount. Bitch, you've been on the tele for two fucking weeks. Shut your mouth coming Speaker 4 00:36:00 Across as a little, I dunno, four coat, no knickers for me. Speaker 3 00:36:04 Now can I just say, and I'm not gonna say I fucking told you so, but I fucking told you so about that fucking crazy moon mass fucking lunatic Mariah. Speaker 4 00:36:20 Okay, listen, I agree. The moon mass was just a bit too much for me. She, she really went in from brilliant with the dogs things. Now look, would I have been a bit pissed off maybe if I wasn't a dog lover and didn't have dogs, but I do and I wouldn't, but I definitely wouldn't have handled. She just went in on our look and then was all upset anyway because nobody wanted to do our moon mat. Yeah, look, I'm not even even trying to defend it yet. You are right. She's torn me off her. Yeah, you're right. But Speaker 2 00:36:54 What I'll say, she was so upset about the moon mass, but Bria was actually one of the only ones giving her the time of day for the moon mass. Speaker 3 00:37:05 Yeah. Speaker 4 00:37:05 Preston saying she was ready to phone home had me in stitches. Speaker 3 00:37:12 <laugh>. I have to say I, I actually really like I Preston, I wasn't sure because I was like, oh, gay activist, you know, like, I mean, is he gonna be another fucking Steven from the early years of summer house who just complete turned into a complete drip? But now, now I'm, I'm like impressed. I like his vibe Speaker 4 00:37:32 Stitches. I liked him. Speaker 3 00:37:34 Well I did think, look, if you agree to do something, whether I agree with it or not, and I thought it was allowed a hocus po shout, but if you agree to do something, respect it. You have to respect it. And they were all rude, ignorant fuckers. Yeah. You know, if you don't wanna do it, just don't do it. Go in and say, look, it's not my, it's not my vibe, it's not my thing. I'm gonna sit this one out and go inside and all people were worried about was being cold. Like, I mean seriously. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:38:04 I dunno. We'll see how the next few weeks go with her. She might not last. Speaker 2 00:38:13 Well. Well I have a Speaker 4 00:38:14 For her son as well, you know, she's missing her son. Like Speaker 2 00:38:17 I have a theory. So, you know, the way they bravo released that cast photo or whatever diagram explaining who people were, she's not on it. So I wonder did she start as like, oh, going to be a main character but like that went home with her son or just couldn't handle it. So now she's just like a friend of the cast not saying Speaker 4 00:38:37 A cast member Speaker 3 00:38:39 That that that could be it. Because she really doesn't seem like she fits in with that group at all. It does. Like she obviously has this relationship with Jasmine and they lived in a car, but seems to be as far as it goes, it it, it's more or less a professional relationship at this stage. I just don't see her on the same level as everybody else. Speaker 4 00:39:05 Yeah, I agree. We'll see where it ends up. Speaker 2 00:39:10 What did we make of Silas's comment about Jasmine's fucking money spending or whatever and being like she was so financially irresponsible she ended up in a car. Speaker 4 00:39:26 Well Speaker 3 00:39:26 That, that was brought up. I think he was asked about how he was being with her and it was kind of, they were rehashing the previous night and he sort of took the line that well like that as may have said, she was so irresponsible she ended up living in a car. So somebody has to take control of everything. So something tells me fucking all the money goes into SO'S account and he controls that chain Speaker 4 00:39:54 And he, she just gets that you Bob. See again, that's like, don't get me wrong, there's always one in the couple who's better, who's better at the finances than the other that happens in every single couple on the planet, whether they admit it or not. But the controlling thing, no, you can't control somebody. You can't control them financially, physically, emotionally, mentally. It ends badly every time. So yeah, he is just giving me pure control, freak vibes red flag. Speaker 2 00:40:30 I just didn't understand the statement because like there's a number of reasons they could have ended up in a car. Like it may not be they just couldn't afford their rent. Speaker 3 00:40:38 Yeah. Like your lease gets canceled. You were in a, an apartment that had a low rent and now all of a sudden rents are through the roof and you just don't have money. Like we've watched enough real estate shows to know that New York real estate is ridiculous. Like not everyone can afford 13 grand a month for rent Speaker 4 00:41:01 Who's not fucking financially stupid in their twenties like everybody is. I Speaker 2 00:41:07 Had a phone bill that had to pay off. Speaker 4 00:41:09 Yeah. Everybody makes financial mistakes at that age group. Every, it's Speaker 3 00:41:13 The, it's the time to do it When you're in your forties and fifties, you can't do it because you don't have the time to recover before you retire. But you can be stupid in your twenties because you got your 30 forties and fifties to build it all back up again. That is the time you're supposed to be a gob shot with money. Speaker 4 00:41:31 Yeah, I dunno. We'll see how he pans out. I don't, he I don't think the public, like the viewers are taken nicely to him or Jasmine. Speaker 3 00:41:40 No. Speaker 4 00:41:41 So you never know. There could be one season Wonders. Speaker 3 00:41:44 We'll see. But they, the only thing is they're very much the organizers. They're Yeah. And only, and I'm only using this in, in the sense that they organize everything. They're the Kyle and Amanda. There's, that's where the similarities end. No, Speaker 4 00:41:58 Well you remember, if you remember rightly the organizers for Summer House was the twins and they only last one season. Speaker 3 00:42:07 We don't talk about them fucking ah, trolls. Speaker 4 00:42:12 I started watching Vander Pop Brews again there a couple of weeks ago because I was like, I just have to, you know, who doesn't. And uh, the, it was when they were introduced in summer house at the end of a season of Van Depo Brews. That's, Speaker 3 00:42:25 That's right. Tweet Speaker 4 00:42:26 In LA and they were having dinner in Soar with Stasi and they invited her out to the Hamptons for her birthday. And then poor Sheena Ke and Kris, I think Kristen. Kristen. Yeah. Uh, they all went out to the Hamptons for a weekend and that was episode one of Summerhouse. So it was good. But uh, listen, let's talk about the giant fucking elephant in the room. Whoah focus Phil Speaker 3 00:42:53 Whoah. Phil I tell you who Phil is. Phil Phil for one thing is a fucking narcissist. Speaker 4 00:43:00 Who do you take? You, you Speaker 3 00:43:04 Like seriously who the fuck wait walks up to a club with people, lets them go in stands outside so he can kick the fucking door in and make an entrance. Speaker 4 00:43:19 He came in hot macho man attitude and and it went down like a lead balloon. Yeah. Because Amir was like, I'm not having this issue. Speaker 3 00:43:34 I personally think that Phil was on the old that came in a bit of the old bivian merchant powder. I don't, I think it was chemical more than anything. And it wasn't weed like. No, Speaker 4 00:43:46 I agree. Who Speaker 3 00:43:47 The foot walks in, walks into a room and goes, oh, this was supposed to be my room. I'm gonna have a shit in the toilet and leave it there. Speaker 4 00:43:54 That was disgusting whole thing. When I finished watching that episode, I was like, that chap is on something. Speaker 2 00:44:00 And now as we were watching it Peter's like, do you know what? And I would make that stink if you like, with a load of tissue Speaker 3 00:44:09 <laugh>. Oh yeah. If listen for the listener out there, if you're gonna do that to somebody, do it fucking right. You put the toilet roll down the toilet force. Yeah. Drop your load in there and you just fucking leave that shit so it's dry and steamy. That's, that's that's how you do it. Listen <laugh> Paul, that's Speaker 4 00:44:25 Disgusting. Speaker 3 00:44:26 You do not endorse that behavior here at the poor podcast. Speaker 4 00:44:30 And poor Nick was like disgusted. Right? He's out. He's like what the fuck Speaker 3 00:44:35 Of all the people to do with it. Like Nick is very prim and proper. You know, he is got his clothes and he's very put together. The chick comes in and track suit and shits in his toilet and leaves in there. But what the fuck Speaker 4 00:44:51 The nineties calls they want that fucking track suit back getting in everybody's face running a walk. And it ended where Amir stood up to him and wasn't afraid of him in way, shape or form. Alex was just kind of like sitting on the couch going on, not even going in this road. Speaker 3 00:45:04 It was almost like Alex is like, oh I've seen this idiot a million times. Yeah. In a million different sentence. I've been here before, you know? Yeah. And I'm not gonna engage because that's what he wants. He wants you to engage. He wants the drown. He understand. Speaker 4 00:45:19 Yeah. So we'll see how he end up. I mean and will he, will we even see another episode with him in it or will he just be removed straight away or will he just walk out? I don't know. We'll see. Speaker 2 00:45:29 He'd probably get one more and then he'll escalate his behavior and then we'll see producers in security and he'll be gone. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:45:36 I dunno. Something tells me that Phil lives on the darker side of society. Speaker 4 00:45:41 Like we don't mind a bit of drama. We love someone who comes in and stores an a popo. He's just a little bit of a loose ca too much of a loose cannon for me now. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:45:49 I actually hope he doesn't stick around because I think there's enough drama in the house without him. I don't, I don't think he is kind of drama as needed. Speaker 2 00:45:57 No. No matter like what you do or where you're, when drama turns nasty like that and someone's trying, going to be loud and abusive, that's not the drama. Speaker 3 00:46:09 Yeah, no, that's, Speaker 4 00:46:09 Yeah. You want them meeting the head off each other and have the screaming matches but you don't want anything physical and violence. Like I, I wouldn't like to see Speaker 3 00:46:16 No, no. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. So summer house, uh, coming to the end, we've got one episode left before the reunion. Yeah. It's all, it's all coming to a massive head now after this week's episode. Speaker 2 00:46:32 It was a 53 minute long episode this week. Not the usual 39 to 40. Speaker 3 00:46:37 That's true. It was an extended episode. Speaker 4 00:46:41 I walked away from this week's episode feeling, I dunno, it felt a bit final for Gar or Carl and Lindsay. Now I know we still have one more episode to go and they come back obviously. But I don't know, it was like, I really felt like Carl had had enough. He he's done, Speaker 3 00:47:02 He's done. He's done. He's done. You will not see him on the next season. And ergo you won't see her either because unless she leaves him or he leaves or they're be on next season show, Speaker 4 00:47:16 I would've said to you a couple of weeks ago, oh well if he leaves and she leave with maybe they could go on to do a different show and all that. But then I saw a scene where like that he came in and he was fucking angry and he put the pillowcase or whatever over the camera and you saw the producer and she said something and Lindsay's response, you know, oh cow, we have to do it. It was kind of panicked. It was a little bit like, no, Lindsay ain't ready to to walk away. Lindsay knows this is her bread and butter. Although I wish Lindsay would realize and Carl that she has lost that chapter. Whatever he earns from that show and everything that comes with it, she has lost that for him. Speaker 3 00:47:58 She's been the ruination of him in this show. It could be argued that he would actually be gone already if she wasn't there because the sobriety thing. And, but I do think whatever chance he would've had of still been in the show has been absolutely ruined by being with her. Craig summed it up. Craig had it down to a T, she is at the fucking center of everything. She is pure toxicity. She is, she's spoken cruel Deville. She would make a coat outta fucking puppies.com Speaker 4 00:48:36 And I think he spent so many seasons under car under Kyle's wing. Kyle took care of him and Kyle was there for him and Kyle helped him and all that. And then this season he was kind of like, well I'm gonna go under Lindsay's wing now because I love her and she's the love of my life. And but she ain't fucking taking care of him the way the others did. Speaker 3 00:48:55 No, because he's a prop. He's the prop. He's the finishing peace to the life of Lindsay. She wanted to get married. Who the fuck would have her ass? Speaker 4 00:49:05 Yeah, I know. Zero Speaker 3 00:49:06 Personality. Speaker 4 00:49:07 I don't think we'll see them in another season of summer house. Whether they got themselves or they're just not invited back. Speaker 2 00:49:16 I really hope we don't because they don't bring anything and then like that, you know, they only walk back in there so they can get their paycheck at the end of it. Yeah. It wasn't, Speaker 4 00:49:26 Yeah. Yeah. And uh, Paige hit the nail on the head. They had so much fun when they were gone for that night. Oh Speaker 3 00:49:31 A hundred percent. Now Speaker 4 00:49:33 Apart from fucking Danielle gone bananas cuz they took a couple of bleeding hats outta the room. Speaker 3 00:49:37 Absolutely. This is exactly what I was gonna say. Speaker 2 00:49:41 So she reminds me of when you were in school and you had your group of friends and two people in the group fell out, but you stuck with one friend. Okay. And then those two friends made up. But you were now the one on the outside because you sided with that one friend mm-hmm. <affirmative> when everything was going on. Speaker 3 00:50:04 Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. Speaker 4 00:50:06 Yeah. She, Speaker 3 00:50:09 Danielle is suffering from what psychologists call Stockholm Syndrome and it's where people begin to re when they're kidnapped, begin to relate to their captors and completely fall under their spell. Danielle is completely under fucking Lindsay spell. Speaker 4 00:50:28 She was literally rider die. And now Lindsay is of the opinion that she just doesn't need Danielle anymore. Cause she has Carol. It's just her and Carol against the world. Fuck Lindsay. Fuck Danielle. You know, Speaker 3 00:50:39 Look, you made that clip from next week where Lindsay's standing there with a massive set of brass balls on her in the middle of the kitchen going Yeah, it's fucking over. Like what are you talking about? Why do you even think there was a friendship at this stage? Speaker 2 00:50:50 Yeah, no, it is something I would do. But she was so spiteful to take that fucking upside down cake. Like why now? I like I would do a, don't get me wrong, like I've fallen out with people and unfollowed them on Facebook so it would irritate them that they didn't like their posts <laugh>. But like I would be that person. But like why would you bother? Like it's been there for two days. Speaker 3 00:51:20 I'd rather piss indicate than take it with, if I was act off, I do something to the cake. Speaker 4 00:51:25 So we've watched it long enough now to know that, you know the cast, I mean next season. Who would you like to see there? I mean Sam for me is a keeper and Corey, Corey needs to become a summer house, cast me full time Speaker 3 00:51:43 And I am, I am always wanting to say when I'm wrong as much as I want to glow over being right. My man fucking Chris has to be there. Chris is a fucking legend. He is class. Speaker 4 00:51:56 Yes. I would like to see Corey back. I would like to see Chris Kyle obviously, and I mean surely Corey has a friend or something that he can bring along with Speaker 3 00:52:07 Bring, Speaker 4 00:52:08 I don't think I'd like to see Craig there full-time. I I just don't, I dunno, I like Craig and I love him on Sudden Charmed, but I don't like the way Paige treats Craig. Speaker 3 00:52:21 I, I think we do need to address that subject because she is an icy bitch. Speaker 4 00:52:30 He is more into her than she is into him. And any woman who makes a mockery of a man, especially a man shown his sensitive side or his emotions, it's just a no-no. Like, just don't do it. Like, we'd go fucking mad if a man was doing that to a woman. So why did no, why did none of her friends that were in that fucking room with her say Paige go and see the all right. Like, I mean he's upset about something or I mean Amanda tried to say it. She's like, oh, he doesn't wanna talk about it, you know, but Amanda should have said Paige, he doesn't want to talk about private things because two of us are here. Either we'll go or you take him outside. Like Yeah. And then you're seen Kyle saying it to Amanda the next day and before Kyle's like, I dunno what to say to him or not. Speaker 4 00:53:16 I've watched Craig in Southern charmed for years and I have seen him be bullied by his male castmates on sudden Charmed because he enjoyed sewing. And look at the fucking empire he's built out of that I had was seeing a girlfriend he was with put him down because he had mental health problems and he used to saw when all that and she made an absolute fucking tick over him for doing that, for having his sawing as an outlet to deal with his mental health. Paige knew all this. She knows him. She should not be bullying him. And that's exactly how I felt watching that episode is that she was bullying the man she's supposed to love. Speaker 2 00:54:07 And even when like, she walked past asking who was on the phone and he said, oh my parents. Like that's when you go, oh, I'll pop in and I'll say hello. Like, you don't walk away. Speaker 4 00:54:19 Yeah. Why didn't she say hi? Cause that's, Speaker 3 00:54:22 Who doesn't just jump on that call for a second. Speaker 4 00:54:25 Yeah. Like Speaker 3 00:54:26 Who do, like I walk into your house, Donna, you are on the phone to your mother and I'm screaming at Janet the phone. Speaker 4 00:54:33 Yeah, she, Speaker 3 00:54:35 That's just what you do. I, I am starting to see that Paige is really not in this relationship for the long term. No, I think it'd be very d I think it would be different if she didn't feel she had to give up anything at all. She could probably be a bit more on board with it. But I it's really getting to the point now where she realizes that she's gonna have to make sacrifices and she is not prepared at this stage in her life to make any sacrifices for any man. Speaker 4 00:55:07 Well she needs to remember the last relationship she was in and how she felt being treated like shy by a man and not repeat the fucking same thing. Yeah. Towards her. Speaker 3 00:55:18 I actually almost forgot about that dude that she was going out with. And that was all, that was during Covid as well. Speaker 4 00:55:24 Pretty much, yeah. Wasn't it? But he treated her like shy and made her out to be a dunk content made her out to be clingy and all this shy. He made her feel the exact same way. She's eating Craig Fit, making Craig feel. And I like Paige, I really do. But I did not enjoy watching her and ly Craig the way she did. Speaker 2 00:55:45 No. And even how like Sierra and Maya joined in when he was waiting for her to go into the shower when he obviously just wanted that like alone time with her and reset and like the three of them were just what? And he kept coming in and like he knew they were talking about him and they just kept going and like, like you can have a laugh, you can have a joke, you can s slide your fellow off to your friends, but like something like that you just don't do Speaker 4 00:56:15 Well look, she doesn't respect him. She's no respect for him Sierra, she's just, I dunno, maybe crawled the warrior king just completely turned her off in for life. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:56:26 Yeah. Look, Sierra just doesn't like Sierra's not in a relationship. I dunno whether she's ever been in a serious relationship to that extent. So you know when people haven't been or aren't. Yeah they're just, they're gonna be all about the free spirit and do what you feel and whatever just fine. Like they're at the point where they're talking about moving in together, they're talking about engagements. Like that is the next step for them. Speaker 4 00:56:51 I am not a fan. I was really annoyed watching Paige. I'm actually pulling off Twitter now to see if anyone on fucking Twitter went in Anna. Speaker 2 00:56:59 Now what I didn't understand was how he forgot his mom's birthday. Speaker 3 00:57:04 I don't think it was that he forgot it. I think it was she wanted him in the Hamptons for the last weekend of the summer. I think she put her foot down. I think he's not saying it but I think she put her foot down, said she wanted him in the fucking Hamptons for that weekend and that's why he missed his MAs bird Speaker 4 00:57:25 Probably. Okay, there's one sweet Tom Sandoval needs to watch Summer House and see how Paige is about Craig. That is what it looks like when someone is truly annoyed by your mere presence. Speaker 3 00:57:36 Woohoo. There you go. Nice bit of shade being thrown on Twitter. Speaker 2 00:57:40 I have a question now we may not know the answer, we may never find the answer, but why was there not enough room on one boat for all of them? Oh Speaker 3 00:57:50 My God. Asking Speaker 4 00:57:55 When Kyle said if you just need any ice, let us know. We've got three kitchens. I was fucking weak. Speaker 3 00:58:01 <laugh>. Like you've got Danielle, Kyle, they're all off on, you know, honor and sirocco, you know, one of these type of boats. You know what you'd see better floating down the Shannon than what <laugh> what the other fuckers were on. Like now they were having the crack and it was a good crew that was on that boat. But what was the story with that? Why couldn't they all be on the one Speaker 4 00:58:25 Boat? I don't know. I really don't. Speaker 3 00:58:28 There seemed to be plenty Speaker 4 00:58:29 Of space and they went in on her on Twitter. She did get called in, Speaker 3 00:58:34 Which yeah there, there definitely appeared to be enough space cuz Paige was throwing her legs all over the place to be fucking uh, photographed. And Amanda was sprawling and like Danielle's laugh took up at least half the boat. So, you know. Speaker 4 00:58:49 Yeah I was, maybe they already had two boats cuz they, they taught Carolyn and Lindsay was gonna be there, but Speaker 3 00:58:54 So everybody else was gonna be on one boat, Carolyn, Lindsay, on the other, and they just said they better share out the crowd. That could be it Speaker 4 00:59:02 <laugh>. That was the original plan Speaker 2 00:59:03 Then like that. Just back to Carolyn and Lindsay, I know it's been done today, but even when she said when they're out in the car prayer, like this is why we didn't tell her though. She knew everything. She planned everything. And I think, I actually think it's so sad that if you have to plan your own engagement for whatever reason, to then act surprised. Like if you know, you know, Speaker 4 00:59:30 Well look, I think we all know Lindsay enough by now to know that she fucking planned an orchestrate the whole thing and just told Carol what to do. Speaker 3 00:59:39 As much as I am enjoying this season of Summer House, I will be really glad when it's over because I don't really want to look at Carl and Lindsay anymore. Speaker 4 00:59:50 Yeah, I'm not, I don't even know if I'm, look, I was looking forward to the reunion, but then when Andy kind of said that he cried at the reunion, I'm like, well what did he cry at? You know? Cause they're like, is it Danielle and Lindsay's relationship? Is it Amanda and Kyle's fertility journey? Like what did he cry at? What'll upset him? I don't wanna be upset, Speaker 3 01:00:09 You know. Well, we'll we'll find out in two weeks time and for the listener, we do have a slight announcement to make on the night of the reunion. Port Powell's podcast will be staying up with you. We will be going live on Twitter spaces. So anyone who wants to jump in and talk about the reunion in the moment, what's happening, what has happened, um, we will be doing that. We'll give you more information on that next week. So yeah, I think that pretty much wraps up this week, the episode. Speaker 4 01:00:41 Woohoo. Speaker 3 01:00:42 Any final tasks, ladies, before we go, Speaker 2 01:00:44 Just follow us on Instagram, TikTok, like, and share our podcast with your friends. And then just leave nice comments for us and we always want feedback on our posts. Speaker 3 01:00:57 Yeah. Are we just a bunch of ignorant fuckers talking out of our ass, or do you actually enjoy what we're putting out there? Let us know. We're always happy to hear. Speaker 4 01:01:07 Yeah, just and to the ones who have listened to our podcast and the ones who are supporting our social media, I mean, our TikTok is going great at the moment. We're so happy with that. So thank you for that. We'll see you next week. Speaker 3 01:01:19 Catchall next week. Bye-bye. Speaker 0 01:01:21 Bye.

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